The University of Macau (UM) today (26 September) held a talk titled ‘Power Management Integrated Circuit Design for Greater Power and Greater Responsibility’ as the Seventh UM Scholar Research Forum. Lu Yan, associate professor in UM’s Institute of Microelectronics, was the keynote speaker. Combing both online and in-person elements, the talk attracted a full-house audience, including teachers and students from local secondary schools.
Integrated circuits (ICs) are the cornerstone of the world of electronic information, and power management and power converter IC are the key components of electronic systems such as electric vehicles, drones, robots, and smart devices.
During the talk, Prof Lu explained the functions of transistors and semiconductor chips with an accessible and lively presentation. He also talked about job opportunities in the current semiconductor industry both in China and abroad and shared his research results in the areas of fully-integrated voltage regulators, high energy density power converters, as well as wireless power transfer circuits and systems. He also demonstrated the invention and evolution of two-way wireless charging chips and discussed the future development trends of two-way charging and wireless charging.
路延畢業於香港科技大學電子與計算機工程系,於2014年加入澳門大學,現任微電子研究院副教授,兼任珠海澳大科技研究院微電子研發中心主任。他發表學術期刊和會議論文超過130篇,其中包括集成電路設計領域頂級論文ISSCC和JSSC 26篇,SCI期刊論文60餘篇。他擁有3項中國和兩項美國專利。曾獲IEEE電路與系統學會2017杰出青年作者獎、ISSCC 2017菅野卓雄遠東最佳論文獎、澳門科技獎技術獎技術發明二等獎兩次和2021年度國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金(港澳)項目。