Multi-Year Research Grant (MYRG)

Multi-Year Research Grant – General Research Grant (MYRG-GRG)

The MYRG-GRG is the major internal funding which provides a two-year financial support to UM research projects. A call for MYRG application will be made on the 1st of December each year for grants starting on the 1st of January of the subsequent fiscal year after the next.

Multi-Year Research Grant – Collaborative Research Grant (MYRG-CRG)

The MYRG-CRG is a newly introduced internal funding which provides financial support to full-time academic staff to conduct collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

Start-up Research Grant (SRG)

The SRG aims to provide a one-time support to new full-time academic staff, at a maximum of 3 years.

Research & Development Grant for Chair Professor (CPG)

The CPG is an annual grant made available only to the appointed “Distinguished Professors” and “Chair Professors”, aiming to provide financial support to promote and develop research related activities corresponding to their academic expertise.

Conference Grant (CG)

The CG is open to all full-time academic staff in the faculties/institutes/centres, with intention to subsidize attendance in conferences with accepted research papers for presentation. Selection for support of conference applications will be based on the scientific criteria set by individual faculty/unit.