The Third Conference of the International Science, Technology and Innovation Forum (ISTIF) of Boao Forum for Asia took place in Zhuhai. The University of Macau (UM) today (21 September) held a parallel session on ‘Marine Science and Technology: towards “Blue” Sustainable Development’, during which several scholars had in-depth discussions on marine economy, marine ecology and pollution, and marine equipment and engineering. Yonghua Song, rector of UM and Wang Chunming, director of the Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office, attended the opening ceremony and plenary session of the conference.
Yuen Ka-Veng, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UM and co-chair of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory for Smart Cities, was the moderator of the parallel session held by UM. He discussed with experts and scholars at home and abroad how to improve the prediction and monitoring of marine disasters, promote the development of China’s marine equipment industry, and facilitate the sustainable development of the marine economy. In addition, Wang Yitao, director of the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine and founding director of the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, represented UM as a panellist in the parallel session on ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Way Forward’. The university also set up a booth at the venue of the opening ceremony and plenary session to promote its ‘3+3+3+3’ system for research innovation and results transfer, as well as the development of the Department of Ocean Science and Technology of the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Centre for Regional Oceans.
二十大報告提出加快中國建設海洋強國的戰略部署,包括推動海洋經濟高質量發展、強化海洋資源保護利用、提升海洋監測預警能力、深度參與全球海洋治理。國家亦將澳門特別行政區海域面積明確為85平方公里,為澳門經濟社會發展拓展了必要的新空間。因此,澳大將區域海洋列為澳大重點發展的三個新興研究方向之一。分論壇上,澳大土木及環境工程系特聘教授、粵港澳智慧城市聯合實驗室聯席主任阮家榮擔任主持人,中國科學院院士、國家海洋局海洋動力過程與衛星海洋學開放實驗室主任蘇紀蘭,南方海洋科學與工程廣東省實驗室(珠海)副主任、中山大學原常務副校長孫冬柏,中山大學海洋科學學院院長王東曉,自然資源部第二海洋研究所副所長、衛星海洋環境動力學國家重點實驗室主任陳建芳,自然資源部第二海洋研究所副研究員、蛟龍號首位大洋深潛女科學家唐立梅,澳大海洋科學及技術系系主任、區域海洋研究中心代主任徐杰,珠海雲洲智能科技股份有限公司海洋事業部總經理唐梓力,斯里蘭卡盧胡納大學海洋學和海洋地質系海洋學教授Terney Pradeep Kumara等探討如何提高多樣化海洋災害的預測監測以及防治能力、促進中國海洋裝備產業發展,以此推動海洋經濟的可持續發展,踐行構建人類海洋命運共同體的理念。