Four research projects from the University of Macau (UM) were exhibited at the 2023 Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition (2023 MIECF) and were well received by many guests and attendees. The research teams also established business connections with a number of companies. Through the event, the university hopes to strengthen the influence of its research results and promote industry-university-research collaboration with companies in the field of environmental protection. The research projects exhibited included: (1) a novel real-time automatic VFA & alkalinity analyser developed by Assistant Professor Hao Tianwei and Research Assistant Professor Qian Guangsheng in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST); (2) a rapid diagnostic method for monitoring oxygen stoichiometry in proton exchange membrane fuel cells developed by Assistant Professor Zhang Ping in the FST; (3) a ‘plug-and-play, easy-to-modify and high-reliability’ indoor energy management system developed by Smart Energy in Macao (SEM); and (4) Macau BioPeTech eco-friendly BSG cat litter developed by an entrepreneurial team of Cheng Yu Tung College.

澳門大學四項科研成果於“2023年澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽”(2023 MIECF)展出,獲一眾嘉賓和與會者關注及好評,並成功與多家企業有效對接。澳大期望透過活動提升科研成果的影響力,促進與企業在環保領域的產學研合作。
是次展出的澳大科研成果包括:一、澳大科技學院助理教授郝天偉及研究助理教授錢光升研發的“揮發性有機酸(VFA)& 鹼度在線監測系統”,主要解決現有VFA及鹹度檢測器械昂貴、流程複雜、耗時長及無法即時預警的問題;二、澳大科技學院助理教授張平研發的“一種快速檢測燃料電池的氧氣計量比演算法”,主要解決燃料電池氧氣化學計量數測量不準確的問題,以達到準確預測燃料電池內部氧氣欠缺的目的;三、響應國家“雙碳”號召,澳大希畝(SEM)團隊開發的“即插即用、易改造和高可信的室內能源管理系統”,以實現經濟和低碳的平衡;四、澳大鄭裕彤書院創業團隊——澳門BioPeTech團隊研發的環保麥芽貓砂,使用啤酒行業產生的麥芽渣作為植物纖維基底,研發出天然環保、健康品質的貓砂產品。

The research team presents their research project 研究團隊展示研究成果

The research team exchanges ideas with a guest 研究團隊與嘉賓交流