The 9th Macau Industrial Products Show kicked off today (29 September) at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf and will run until 2 October. A total of 18 research projects developed and incubated by the University of Macau (UM) are showcased at the fair, attracting great interest from guests and demonstrating the university’s recent achievements in research innovation and the commercialisation of research results. During the fair, Ho Iat Seng, chief executive of the Macao SAR, accompanied by Yonghua Song, rector of UM, paid a visit to UM’s booth at the MinM Macao Industrial Complex to learn about the university’s latest development in research innovation. The research projects presented by UM at the fair cover the areas of health, and innovative technology and lifestyle. Of these, 11 were developed by the university and seven were developed by four companies incubated by the university.
First held in 1981, the Macau Industrial Products Show is Macao’s oldest and largest industrial exhibition. This year, the MinM Macao Industrial Complex was set up to showcase Macao’s high-tech development and local universities’ achievements in scientific research and industrial design to the younger generation and the general public.
此外,四家澳大孵化企業亦展出了七項(系列)產品,包括澳門芝寶健康科技有限公司的“中藥材雙層蒸汽熱敷眼罩”、 “草本雙層蒸汽熱敷眼罩” 和“經典膏滋系列產品”,塵心健康科技有限公司的“鳳鳴清滇藏杜英清咽系列產品”,澳門寵物紀元有限公司的“澳門BioPeTech環保麥芽貓砂”,以及深圳市格氛生物科技(澳門)有限公司的“Honeybank香薰蠟燭”和“Honeybank朵朵香包”。
澳門工展會為澳門歷史最早及最大型的澳門工業展覽活動,首屆舉行於1981年。今屆展會配合特區政府 “促進經濟多元,發展澳門工業品牌”的目標,特設澳門MinM工業綜合館,向年輕一代及市民大眾展示澳門高新科技發展的情況,以及大學在工業方面的科研或設計成果,推動澳門工業轉型升級。