The University of Macau (UM) showcased a range of research results at the Science and Technology Week 2023 cum Exhibition of Achievements in Science and Technology Innovation. The research results covered various fields, including biomedicine and Chinese medicine, information and communication and integrated circuits, energy conservation and environmental protection, and new materials and advanced manufacturing, attracting great attention from the participating guests.
A total of 21 research projects of UM and 11 companies incubated by the university participated in the Exhibition of Achievements in Science and Technology Innovation. Among them, 18 research projects were presented at the Roadshow and Session of Exchange of Contacts of Industry-University-Research Cooperation between Mainland China and Macao. Business relationships were established with several tech companies, and 36 letters of intent were signed. In addition, UM exhibited 77 research projects at the Scientific Research Projects Result Exhibition and Academic Report in Year of 2022. Wang Chunming, director of UM’s Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office, attended the opening ceremonies of both the roadshow and the exhibition. Lu Jiahong, associate professor in the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, and Hao Tianwei, assistant professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology, gave presentations on their respective research projects.
科技周由科學技術發展基金主辦,活動還包括“科創中國”技術路演、 “2023澳門創科論壇”等。科技周旨在結合展覽及一系列配套活動,匯聚科技創新鏈條上不同單位,推動澳門科技創新,助力科技推廣,構建澳門科研成果轉化及產學研合作平台。

The opening ceremony of the Scientific Research Projects Result Exhibition and Academic Report in Year of 2022 “2022年度科研項目結題展暨學術報告會”開幕儀式

The opening ceremony of the Roadshow and Session of Exchange of Contacts of Industry-University-Research Cooperation between Mainland China and Macao “內地與澳門產學研合作路演對接會”開幕儀式

The exchange session for industry-academia collaboration 產學研配對洽談環節

Lu Jiahong 路嘉宏

Hao Tianwei 郝天偉